A Significant Ecological Area is a polygon feature that identifies an area of interest to the Ministry that is ecologically significant, and warrants special consideration, excluding ANSI's, wetlands, parks, reserves or ESA's.Different Significant… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curlines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
The World Language Mapping System (WLMS) is the result of over 15 years of collaborative work between Global Mapping International (GMI) and the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL), to map the over 6,800 languages described in SIL's 14th edition… Read more.
CD-ROM, over 2000 maps, col., on municipal, district, and cantonal level, data pool, over 1000 documents, various functions
The book is illustrated in full color and comes with a companion CD-ROM that includes a working copy of ArcExplorer, ESRI's easy-to-use GIS data viewer, a GIS tutorial, and links to hundreds of map-enabled Web sites and data repositories.
GIS World Inc. 1997 (CD-ROM) Contains the three volumes of the GeoDirectory 1997. Fully searchable. Vol. 1: Products and Services - GIS-related companies & software assessments.Vol. 2: Academic Institutions - contact info. Vol 3: Data Sources -… Read more.
Principal facts for 40,488 gravity stations covering the entire state of Wisconsin are presented here in digital form. This is a compilation of previously published data collected between 1948 and 1992 from numerous sources, along with over 10,000… Read more.