Atlas de los Paisajes de Espana
Mapa de asociaciones de tipos de paisaje. CDROM supplement. Index and supporting information in pdf file. CD-ROM[371]
Mapa de asociaciones de tipos de paisaje. CDROM supplement. Index and supporting information in pdf file. CD-ROM[371]
Search for addresses and locations; measure distances; Maps; switch from 2D to 3D; 3D overflight; Create your own databases; import data into databases; GPS interface for navigation
The Dufour Map is an interactive CD which allows the user to compare the historic Dufour map of 1842-64 with the first modern official map of Switzerland at 1:100,000
accompanies Atlas Podnebi Ceska
World Atlas Portuguese/English
The CD-ROM 7.0 provides information on road network of Spain, it is the 37th ed.of the official road map and it is interactive. It contains more than 80 different maps of Spain at different scales. It also has 4 maps of France, Portugal, Morocco and Europe.