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Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.

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Historical GIS layers showing forest cover, gold and coal fields, RCMP stations and transportation routes in Klondike-era Yukon Territory and Alaska. Data digitized by Jordan Hale, Map and Data Library.

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From CD: TerraViva! SEDAC Viewer is a geographic information portal providing rapid access to national geostatistics, thematic maps, and related information easily referenced using geo-coordinates and a gazetteer.

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From DVD: El Medio, La Sociedad, Las Actividades. Edicion con Cartografia Georreferenciada.

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Clutter Classification : 0 Unclassified / 1 Inland Water / 2 Open / 3 Low Tree Density / 4 High Tree Density / 5 Rural areas/low residential / 6 Suburban / 7 Suburban With Tree / 8 Urban Low Density / 9 Urban Medium Dense / 10 Urban High Dense / 11… Read more.

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The Dufour Map is an interactive CD which allows the user to compare the historic Dufour map of 1842-64 with the first modern official map of Switzerland at 1:100,000

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Digital atlas of Spain containing scanned thematic and topographic maps of Spain and major Spanish cities. Plates can be viewed in application or saved as JPGs. Text in Spanish.

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Digital atlas of the Czech Republic, containing geological, radiometric, geomagnetic, mineral, and gravimetric layers; a digital elevation model; land cover and topographic maps.

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Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
-… Read more.

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Open geodata portal for Spain. Includes orthophotos, elevation data, land cover, road network files, hydrography, administrative boundaries, populated places, transportation networks and historical maps.