Florida Geographic Data Library
Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Notes from product: II. Notes on China 2000 and 2010 Population Census Data In order to guide you to use the data correctly, provide you some explanations as follows: (l) Census time: 0:00AM of November 1, 2000 and 2010 as the reference time for the census.
File geodatabases containing polyline feature classes of segmented roads, addresses, speed limits, surface types, structures, jurisdictions and blocked passages for June and September 2010.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.
comprehensive road network file; roads, streets, etc.