NYC open data repository, distributing geospatial and tabular data. Download links to datasets are available by clicking on the red About button on the far right of the data view and scrolling down to the Attachments section.
Includes historical forestry data going back to 1900 and historical air photos going back to 1935 (cost). Property boundaries and assessment information are at a cost.
This is the open data catalogue of the city of Toronto
LIMITED USE DATA PRODUCT LICENCE AGREEMENTThe Government of Canada is the owner of all intellectual property rights (including copyright) in this data product. You are granted a non-exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable licence to use this… Read more.
TCL Asset includes: 1. Geographic linear representation of transportation corridors, administrative boundaries and shorelines. 2. Geographic point representations of properties and municipal addresses. 3. Various administration areas of city… Read more.
also contains bicycle paths, heritage sites, trails, campgrounds, fire hydrants, polling stations, street intersections, retail, sanitary manholes, sanitary sewer pipes, creeks, woods, and landmarks