A Significant Ecological Area is a polygon feature that identifies an area of interest to the Ministry that is ecologically significant, and warrants special consideration, excluding ANSI's, wetlands, parks, reserves or ESA's.Different Significant… Read more.
From CD: TerraViva! SEDAC Viewer is a geographic information portal providing rapid access to national geostatistics, thematic maps, and related information easily referenced using geo-coordinates and a gazetteer.
Interactive digital atlas of the world containing many thematic maps of the world and individual countries. Text in Italian.
Interactive digital atlas of the world containing many thematic maps of the world and individual countries. Text in Italian.
Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
-… Read more.
Here is the new edition of the first attempt to summarize the geology of Africa by presenting it in an atlas and to synthesize the stratigraphy, tectonics, economic geology, geohazards and geosites of each country and territory of the continent.… Read more.
2C1Forest is a major Canadian-U.S. collaborative of 50 conservation organizations, researchers, and foundations working to conserve and restore the forests and natural heritage of the Northern Appalachian Acadian ecoregion. From their website: Use… Read more.