Africa Digital Maps
Includes data for the following countries:
Includes data for the following countries:
Topographic vector data for African countries.
Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Shows: political boundaries, navigable rivers; railway; planned railway lines.
ESRI DATA: World Countries and World Administrative Areas; 2010 US Census datasets with their new geometry and attributes.
The VMap Level 0 database provides worldwide coverage of vector-based geospatial data which can be viewed at 1:1,000,000 scale. It consists of geographic, attribute, and textual data. The complete database is organized into 10 thematic layers.
Places of Interest, Roads, Railways, Buildings, Building Heights (3D buildings), Municipality Boundaries,Park Boundaries, Postal Code Boundaries, Water Bodies
ESRI Data: World Base Maps, mainly topographic data such as roads, lakes, administrative boundaries etc.