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Notes from product: II. Notes on China 2000 and 2010 Population Census Data In order to guide you to use the data correctly, provide you some explanations as follows: (l) Census time: 0:00AM of November 1, 2000 and 2010 as the reference time for the… Read more.

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DVD of geospatial datasets containing 2010 census data at the township level, as well as administrative boundaries, hydrography, railways, and roads. Consult metadata for list of variables and projection parameters.

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DVD of geospatial and tabular datasets containing harmonized 2000-2010 census data at the city (prefecture) level, as well as administrative boundaries, hydrography, railways, and roads. Consult metadata for list of variables and projection… Read more.

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DVD of geospatial datasets containing 2000 census data for Beijing at the province, county, and township levels; as well as select variables at county level for 1953, 1964, 1982 and 1990. Each .zip archive contains accompanying metadata, including a… Read more.