The VMap Level 0 database provides worldwide coverage of vector-based geospatial data which can be viewed at 1:1,000,000 scale. It consists of geographic, attribute, and textual data. The complete database is organized into 10 thematic layers. The… Read more.
This product of unprecedented detail covers the entire Earth, covering the coastlines and international boundaries of every continent, including Antarctica. WVSPLUS is one database comprised of six libraries varying from 1:250,000 to 1:120,000,000… Read more.
Various geographic features covering the entire earth.World coverage of topographic map themes. VMap includes major road and rail networks, hydrologic drainage systems, utility networks (cross-country pipelines and communication lines), major… Read more.
Bathymetric Contours Generated using GEBCO 2003 -->…
The General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans (GEBCO) aims to provide the most authoritative, publicly-available bathymetry data sets for the world's oceans.Users must register in order to download dataset.You may download the product from the link… Read more.
Public domain vector and raster datasets for a range of cultural and physical themes, covering the entire world.
A list of sites offering undersea gis data for the world
The North Circumpolar Region map provides a comprehensive view of the area of Canada and the World situated between 55ºN latitude and the North Pole.Special features include: * all federal, provincial and territorial boundaries for Canada including… Read more.
This product is a globally seamless adaptation of the U.S. Government's Digital Chart of the World (Vector Smart Map Level 0 [VMap0], Edition 5) produced by Global Mapping International in ESRI shapefile format, with added country polygons and… Read more.
In the same way GIS has helped make analysis and mapping of the earth's surface more accessible and powerful, GIS technology allows experts to see that large portion of the planet that is underwater. This collection of works from experts in marine… Read more.