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Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.

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Mapping data is divided into 5 directories:
1. ASSESSP 2006: assessed Parcel/Property mapping Arcview
2. CityMap 2006: double line street map, autocad
3. Ortho 2006: Orthoimagery SID world file
4. Single line 2006: street map Arcview SHP format
5.… Read more.

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The newest addition to the OnWord Press INSIDE series for GIS professionals, this how-to and reference book introduces beginning through intermediate users seeking a standard for map creation and maintenance in a CAD environment to use of AutoCAD… Read more.