Africa Digital Maps
Includes data for the following countries:
Includes data for the following countries:
Topographic vector data for African countries.
Provincial boundaries
Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Notes from product: II. Notes on China 2000 and 2010 Population Census Data In order to guide you to use the data correctly, provide you some explanations as follows: (l) Census time: 0:00AM of November 1, 2000 and 2010 as the reference time for the census.
This is the open data catalogue of the city of Toronto
Interactive digital atlas exploring history of settlements, territories, and the census in South Africa. Includes photographs, scanned maps, detailed accompanying texts, and animations. Shapefiles and spreadsheets containing population data included on CD. Text in French and English.
Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
Open geodata portal for Spain. Includes orthophotos, elevation data, land cover, road network files, hydrography, administrative boundaries, populated places, transportation networks and historical maps.