The Cross National Time Series Data Archive compiles data on domestic conflict events such as anti-government demonstrations, assassinations, general strikes, major government crises, revolutions, riots, terrorism/guerrilla warfare and purges. U of… Read more.
Time series statistical tables
The OpenSky Network is a non-profit association based in Switzerland. It aims at improving the security, reliability and efficiency of the air space usage by providing open access of real-world air traffic control data to the public. The OpenSky… Read more.
Quarterly data from 1972-2018 (projection) of CPI by provinces
Quarterly data from Toronto 1987-2017 (projection), Vancouver 1987-2018 (projection) and Hamilton 1987-2023 (projection) of GDP at basic prices by industry
Canadian Financial Markets Research Centre (CFMRC) summary information database (or CFMRC TSX database for short) includes daily and monthly Toronto Stock Exchange trading information about specific securities as well as information on "price… Read more.
The United Nations Comtrade database aggregates detailed global annual and monthly trade statistics by product and trading partner for use by governments, academia, research institutes, and enterprises. Data compiled by the United Nations Statistics… Read more.
The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) provides a range of databases and tools on its website. Databases include: electoral justice, electoral management design, electoral system design, gender quotas, ICTs in… Read more.
Originally constructed by Robert Summers and Alan Heston of the University of Pennsylvania, together with the late Irving Kravis, the Penn World Tables are the definitive source for real national accounts data. The national accounts for each country… Read more.