Official election results for the 39th federal election in Canada
Administrative statistical tables
Official election results for the 38th federal election in Canada. Data produced by Elections Canada contain poll-by-poll voting results for individual polling stations in each Electoral District (ED) in Canada. Details are provided about candidates… Read more.
Official election results for the 37th federal election in Canada.
Official election results for the 36th federal election in Canada. Data produced by Elections Canada contain poll-by-poll voting results for individual polling stations in each Electoral District (ED) in Canada. Details are provided about… Read more.
Official statistics for the 2001 federal election held on 10 November 2001. Files for House of Representatives and Senate, by state and division. Background documents describe the methologology of conducting the 2001 Australian election.… Read more.
Election expenses for the 33rd federal election in Canada.
Official election results for the 34th federal election in Canada.
Official election results for the 33rd federal election in Canada.
Official election results for the 35th federal election in Canada. Variables include: Province - Header - record type; province name (Eng.); province name (FR.); Electoral District; province number; electoral district number; electoral district… Read more.