The Lidar data was collected between April 20, 2014 and May 6, 2014 as well as between April 3, 2015 and April 25, 2015
It includes the following data types.
1m Grids (XYZ ASCII), Bare Earth and Full Feature
Hillshade Images (Geotiffs), Bare Earth… Read more.
Not Open
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
Data includes: Building lines, hydro towers, curbs, curblines, curb points, catch basins, electrical pols, garage lines, garage polygons, general poles, historical sites, fire hydrants, light standards, miscellaneous structures, parks, pathways,… Read more.
01/2016-03/2016 data available on local drive M:\data\private\mississauga\2016\01_2015
03/2015-09/2015 data available on local drive M:\data\private\mississauga\2015\03_2015
Using an innovative approach with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, ORNL's LandScan is the community standard for global population distribution. At approximately 1 km resolution (30" X 30"), LandScan is the finest resolution global… Read more.