Burlington GIS Dataset and Air Photos
Polylines and Elevation points. Polylines are all in one layer and encompass building outlines, streets, curbs, etc. arenas, tennis courts, vacant lands, ward
Polylines and Elevation points. Polylines are all in one layer and encompass building outlines, streets, curbs, etc. arenas, tennis courts, vacant lands, ward
A list of sites offering undersea gis data for the world
1KM and 20KM tiles. Original Images are held on the M:\data\FTPOCUL\OGDE\ folder and on external hard drive #1. MDL former index can be found here: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/maplib/AP/swoop/
Online mapping data for the city of Ottawa
Orthorectified Colour Air Photos of Southern Ontario provided to the University of Toronto through the generous donation of the Ontario Ministry of Education and provided to the University of Toronto through the kind support of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. orthos air photos
derived from 2002 J.D. Barnes First Base Solutions DTM 2002 - Supplement to CD-Rom [192]
Getting to Know ArcObjects supports the self-learner and makes a practical lab manual for instructors in the classroom.
from FAQ from OMNR "SOLRIS is a primary data layer that provides a comprehensive, landscape-level inventory of natural, rural and urban areas.