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Quarterly data from 1972-2018 (projection) of CPI by provinces

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This website's mandate is to make detailed, area-level health data available to everyone. It's goal is to support action to reduce health inequities in Ontario. It provides health and health-related indicators in two basic forms: Ontario… Read more.

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Life table template is an Excel spreadsheet that calculates a life table from age-specific death rates. The spreadsheets can be adapted for many life table applications such as cause-deleted life expectancy or health expectancy. These life table… Read more.

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Presents population projections for Ontario and census divisions, by age and sex. Spring 2016, based on the 2011 Census, 2015 – 2041 Ontario and Its 49 Census Divisions.

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Weather station data from the University of Waterloo, Ontario: temperature, relative humidity, sonic range sensor (snow depth), wind speed, Belfort rain gauge, wind direction, tipping bucket rain guage. Wormwood Weather Station (Flesherton, Ont.)… Read more.

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Lists the various surveillance programs undertaken by PHAC, with links to data sources where available. Surveillance programs include: blood safety contribution program (BSCP), chronic disease, communicable disease, congenital anomalies,… Read more.

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The CHMD gathers all required data (deaths counts, births counts, population size, exposure-to-risk, death rates) to compute life tables for Canada, its provinces and its territories. The data goes as far back as 1921.

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No data, but data sources and method of calculation of standard health indicators.