1KM tiles. Original Images are held on the M:\data\FTPOCUL\OGDE\ folder and on external hard drive #1. MDL former index can be found here: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/maplib/AP/swoop/
Digital soils data of southern Ontario. Data is derived from the original soil survey reports and maps produced by Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. Also includes organic soils.
User must agree to license agreement from ministry
Update 2020: Please note that this dataset appears to have been uploaded to the Ontario Data Catalogue for public use: https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/built-boundary-for-the-growth-plan-for-the… Read more.
1KM and 20KM tiles. Original Images are held on the M:\data\FTPOCUL\OGDE\ folder and on external hard drive #1. MDL former index can be found here: http://www.library.utoronto.ca/maplib/AP/swoop/
Orthorectified Colour Air Photos of Southern Ontario provided to the University of Toronto through the generous donation of the Ontario Ministry of Education and provided to the University of Toronto through the kind support of the Ontario Ministry… Read more.
Orthorectified Colour Air Photos of Southern Ontario provided to the University of Toronto through the generous donation of the Ontario Ministry of Education and provided to the University of Toronto through the kind support of the Ontario Ministry… Read more.