Mapart Canada Street Locator
Containing full-colour, detailed maps of more than 100 000 streets, the Canada Street Locator CD-ROM is an excellent resource for people who travel in Canada.
Containing full-colour, detailed maps of more than 100 000 streets, the Canada Street Locator CD-ROM is an excellent resource for people who travel in Canada.
The geographic polygon file represents the graphical boundary file for Canada's 1,604 forward sortation areas (FSA's)DVD does not function properly on high-speed drives...backed up to U: drive on April 20th, 2010
Chart No. 1 contains the symbols, abbreviations, and terms used on navigation charts published by the Canadian Hydrographic Service and is based on the Chart Specifications of the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).
ArcCanada is a large database containing a number of cartographic and thematic layers, at provincial, national and local scales. The data has been broken down into three broad categories: national, provincial and special.
Uses NTDB grid system (eg. Toronto = 30m11)
Contains: 10 land use classifications:1. Fresh Water 2. Ocean 3. Coniferous Forest 4. Deciduous Forest 5. Open Land 6. Airports 7. Industrial 8. Urban 9. Dense Urban 10. Wetland
GeoPinpoint© positions your data using a powerful and innovative geo-locationprocess called geocoding. GeoPinpoint attaches X and Y coordinates to your facility,customer or prospect address data for map visualization, analysis or location basedapplications.
The CanMap Multiple Enhanced Postal Code product is a precision-based point file representing over 1 million postal codes across Canada, with a geographic link to Statistics Canada's Census Boundaries. The Multiple Enhanced Postal Code product allows for a one to many relationship.
The CanMap Multiple Enhanced Postal Code product is a precision-based point file representing over 1 million postal codes across Canada, with a geographic link to Statistics Canada's standard 2001 Census Boundaries. The Multiple Enhanced Postal Code product allows for a one to many relationship.
Housing prices across the country by province and city, Toronto included.
Forward Sortation Areas (FSA) are polygons of the first three digits of Canadian postal codes.