Illustrating the general facts of physical, political, economic and statistical geography, on which international commerce depends.
Themes: Heights and Depths, Characteristic Land Surface… Read more.
250 DPI jpg format images. Map location is given on index.jpg. Additional information is available in the supplied index_PDF file and index_folder contents.txt file. CD-ROM[372]
CD-ROM 273-No. 8 Georgetown CD-ROM 274-No. 9 Charters Towers CD-ROM 275-No 10,11 Yarrow Project & Tasman Fold Belt System in Victoria CD-ROM 276-No 12 GSV Map Catalogue and Reports 119-122
Geophysical maps of the Northern Territory: NTGS produces four Territory-wide geophysical products: * Magnetic map of the Northern Territory (2004) * Radiometric map of the Northern Territory (2004) * Elevation map of the Northern Territory (2004… Read more.
Industry Reports Management System Databases-Mineral & PetroleumGeochemical Datasets
Survey results are used to outline regionalgeochemical trends, assist mineral potential evaluation and aid regional metallogenic studies and geologic… Read more.
This map supplants the outdated 1:2.5 million map, published in 1976 and based on BMR first-generation 1:250k maps. A feature of the new map is the division of the Proterozoic into ten regionally identifiable and generally unconformable-bounded… Read more.