NYC open data repository, distributing geospatial and tabular data. Download links to datasets are available by clicking on the red About button on the far right of the data view and scrolling down to the Attachments section.
Clearinghouse for over 400 geospatial datasets pertaining to the state of Florida from local, state, federal and private agencies.
Places of Interest, Roads, Railways, Buildings, Building Heights (3D buildings), Municipality Boundaries,Park Boundaries, Postal Code Boundaries, Water Bodies
ÖKOBASE Umweltatlas ist unser geographisches Informationssystem für jedermann/-frau. In diesem System können nahezu unbegrenzt umweltschutzrelevante Daten mit beliebigen Orten verknüpft werden. In dieser Version finden Sie im Bereich der… Read more.
Sewers; Cemeteries; Business Improvement Areas; sidewalks; escarpment; DTM 10 metres; DTM 20 metres; water hydrants; police stations; libraries; colleges; universities; beaches; arenas; sewers; transit; wards; shoreline; parking lots; land use, etc.