CD-ROM 273-No. 8 Georgetown CD-ROM 274-No. 9 Charters Towers CD-ROM 275-No 10,11 Yarrow Project & Tasman Fold Belt System in Victoria CD-ROM 276-No 12 GSV Map Catalogue and Reports 119-122
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The Tectonic Geology Data Set is a digital interpretation of the Tectonic Geology of the Province of Ontario, It illustrates this by 1) grouping volcanic and sedimentary rock units into tectonic assemblages in Precambrain terrains and depositional… Read more.
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The Bedrock Geology Data Set is a Geological map of the Province and shows the distribution of bedrock units underlying Ontario. It illustrates geological rock types, major faults, iron formations, Kimberlite Intrusions and dike swarms. The geology… Read more.