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Orthorectified satellite imagery (from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 satellites) of Hampi, India, including 50 cm colour, 50 cm black and white pan-sharpened, and 2 m multispectral raster files. The Hampi area is located in the Bellary district of… Read more.

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Digital interactive atlas of contains many thematic layers at the national, state and district levels that can be viewed, queried and printed. Includes maps under the following thematic headings:
-India & Neighbours
-States & Districts
-… Read more.

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eleven archaeologists reveal how the broad application of remote sensing, and especially geophysical techniques, is altering the usual conduct of dirt archaeology. Using case studies that both succeeded and failed, they offer a comprehensive guide… Read more.

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3 CD-ROM set atlas is the first collation and mapping of all readily available biophysical data for the NWT. The data span a wide range of themes including: Mineral, oil and gas rights and potential Timber productive forests Some First Nations… Read more.