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Orthorectified satellite imagery (from GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2 satellites) of Hampi, India, including 50 cm colour, 50 cm black and white pan-sharpened, and 2 m multispectral raster files. The Hampi area is located in the Bellary district of… Read more.

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These maps were georeferenced from originals held at the City of Toronto archives. See here. CAUTION: the sid files do not all seem to work. It is probably better to use the JPEGs. TIF files are also available upon request. The text files… Read more.

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provides satellite imagery for the entire United States

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CD-Rom contains:

1) Assessed Parcel mapping

2) City map - double line

3) City map - single line

4) Orthoimagery

5) Topographic features and 3d data (spot heights and contours)

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.embed-container {position: relative; padding-bottom: 80%; height: 0; max-width: 100%;} .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container iframe{position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} small{position:… Read more.

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CD-Rom contains:

1) Assessed Parcel mapping

2) City map - double line

3) City map - single line

4) Orthoimagery

5) Topographic features and 3d data (spot heights and contours)

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CD-Rom contains:

1) Assessed Parcel mapping

2) City map - double line

3) City map - single line

4) Orthoimagery

5) Topographic features and 3d data (spot heights and contours)

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Post Date:

CD-Rom contains:

1) Assessed Parcel mapping

2) City map - double line

3) City map - single line

4) Orthoimagery

5) Topographic features and 3d data (spot heights and contours)

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The National Air Photo Library (NAPL) has over six million aerial photographs covering all of Canada, some dating back 70 years. Aerial photography has many practical applications such as in map-making, urban and rural planning, environmental impact… Read more.